Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Excellent graphic on the militarization of the police.



Anonymous said...

So Basically We can blame Los Angeles and California for the militarization of the nations police? One of the anti gun bastions of the nation. How ironic.

Anonymous said...


What the fuck? 7.62 automatics?

Slipper Slope Man says, "Welcome the M240 and M2HB to a LEO arms locker near you!"

Anonymous said...

Somebody please refresh my memory. Precisely WHO are these guys supposed to be protecting? Serving?

Couple of little details that caught my eye - AND SENT SHIVERS UP AND DOWN MY SPINE

FDA Officials, U.S. Marshals, and the Pennsylvania State Police raided an AMISH FARM (emphasis mine BC) in 2011 for selling raw milk.
(I guess they figured they needed a whole lot of firepower because everybody knows what dangerous people those Amish folks are.) :Roll Eyes:

A Department of Education SWAT team (emphasis mine BC) raided a man's home ... looking for evidence of his estranged wife's financial aid fraud.

Anonymous said...

This is totally over-the-top and out of control. What the f---? Why do all these little Podunk towns--and these myriad alphabet-soup agencies need heavily-armed SWAT teams for??? Gimme a break!

Anonymous said...

I have said it more than once and will say it again. If a 'wounded vet' can't get the aid he/she needs, medically, and are contemplating taking their own life, then thank you for your service and there is one more task to be done. Find a rogue cop and his family and take them out. Your life will not have been wasted then. Otherwise, THEY are getting exactly what they want. If enough despondent and depressed exmilitary take the fight to the public (famlies of rogue cops) then someone is going to start cleaning up their own back yard before anyone else dies.