Saturday, August 2, 2014

Sorry for the hiatus, but I had a less-than-optimal afternoon yesterday.

Around 2 PM, I tripped walking back from the mailbox and did a face-plant in my "yard" (I put that in parentheses because this is Pinson where the soil is so rocky that you have to blast before you roto-till). Gashed the bridge of my nose on the rocks, bent my glasses into spaghetti and, worst, smashed my left elbow. Lacking the co-pay, I deferred going to the ER, hoping that it would feel better this morning. It doesn't so Rosey has persuaded me to at least go to a doc-in-the-box (where the co-pay is a mere $35) to have it x-rayed later this morning. Oi-FRIGGING-veh, as Sergeant Levinson used to say. (It came out as one expressive word when he said it.) Posting with one good hand is a pain but I will do what I can with what I've got.


Anonymous said...

Get that elbow on ice.

Anonymous said...

OMG Mike. So sorry to hear that happened. Hope you heal real fast. Living proof that Murphy is alive and well, and waiting for one second of not paying attention. I know. Did the same thing in my shop a few months back. Tripped over an electrical cable and slammed into the table saw. Knocked me silly. Pain notwithstanding, anger at my stupidity was worse. I knew I should have picked up that cable when I was done. But noooooooo.

Look on the bright side though. At least you didn't suffer a laughing neighbor, or, as in my case, a "I told you so" wife :)

AJ said...

Ouch. You sure don't need anything more to recover from. Take care.

Anonymous said...

I also played the faceplate-on-the-concrete-break-my-nose game a while back. Murphy is a peckerneck, no doubt about it.

Mike, have you considered voice to print technology? You might find it beneficial.

On the lighter side - you ought be used to having to fight back with one hand....."tied behind yer back". Heh. But really, you don't have go all "literal" on us!

I'd like to I'm proud of yer woman. Bro, I know all about being drowned by medical bills BUT, no different than ammo inspection and proper inventory, are you really willing to bet your life on saving a copay?

j said...

So sorry to hear that! Praying for you and mailing something to help the pain. It's a shame you didn't have any local friends who could have helped you with the ER and other things, if you'd called on them, but... oh, wait...

MamaLiberty said...

Ouch! Hope it heals fast. Murphy was an optimist...

I've taken three rather nasty falls outdoors in the last few years, and contemplated using a stick or cane when I was out in my yard. My balance is very poor because of my deafness.

Only problem with that is I hardly ever remember the darn thing... But I did decide to slow down and watch better where the heck I was going, filled in a few low spots with gravel. So far, so good...

But I do take the stick if I'm going out to the horse pasture. A fall out there could get serious. Too far from the house, and I don't carry a phone.

Maybe it is time to consider using some sort of stick to improve balance?

Anonymous said...

Ouch! Zimmer Frame!

Been painting my window frames - balancing on a plank with mine brings a whole new meaning to 'stability' ...


Unknown said...

Open carry on a walker??