Friday, September 5, 2014

Ad campaign removes ‘single issue’ excuse for NRA avoiding illegal immigration

Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes Wayne LaPierre has opened a door he should be invited to actually walk through.


Anonymous said...

If the NRA leadership cared about freedom, they would have aggressively promoted Ron Paul's candidacy when he ran for president in previous elections. Was there a more pro-gun or pro-freedom candidate in those elections? Obviously not. Romney, for example, signed an assault weapons ban into law when he was governor of Massachusetts. So why didn't the NRA urge people to back Paul over Romney and those other establishment stooges?

There are some other worthwhile questions to ask about the NRA. Why do its spokesmen never mention the true purpose of the Second Amendment anymore? Why do they pretend it's all about "hunters" and "sportsmen"? Why is the NRA not pushing for the repeal of laws that infringe on the Second Amendment, such as the NFA and laws against armor-piercing ammo? Why is the NRA always kowtowing to the police and the military, the mercenary enforcers for the politicians who wish to strip us of our rights?

The NRA is a fundraising arm of GOP, which itself is just one wing of the two-party establishment.

Anonymous said...

Coming to a neighborhood near you:

Anonymous said...

Sheriff to Obama Try to Take Our 'Guns' and You'll Get An 'All Out Civil War'

Paul X said...

It's a stupid article. And guess what, checkpoints and border controls and government permission slips for work and restrictions on travel, are not freedom. They are the opposite of freedom.

Talk about cognitive dissonance.